Before you hit the road in Kansas, it is important you know exactly what auto insurance you are required to carry. Every state has different requirements when it comes to the type and amount of insurance you must have. Ignorance of the law won’t protect you if you are stopped and don’t have the necessary converge. You can count on your local independent insurance agent to make sure you have the insurance mandated by the state of Kansas. In Overland Park, KS, that is Fortress Insurance Agency. We have years of experience meeting the varied needs of our customers.
Kansas is a no-fault state, and that changes the requirements for auto insurance. In addition to liability coverage, you must have personal injury protection and uninsured/underinsured coverage. This may cost a little more, but it is valuable protection, so worth the cost. The liability requirement is 25/50/25, which means $25,000 for injuries to one person in a crash, with a total of $50,000 for all injuries in the crash. The second $25,000 is for damage done to the property, including the other vehicle. The PIP coverage includes required coverage for various expenses, including disability, medical, and burial expenses, which your insurance agent can explain. The uninsured/underinsured coverage matches the liability coverage.
After you have the insurance required by the state of Kansas mandated auto insurance, if you have an auto loan, you will need to meet the lender’s requirement, which means purchasing collision and comprehensive coverage to protect the car they own a portion of. Once you have the title to the vehicle, you may choose to dispense with this additional coverage. However, that is not always the best choice, especially if the vehicle’s cash value is more than $3,000. Paying for any repairs or replacement of your vehicle may be a financial hardship.
Contact Fortress Insurance Agency in Overland Park, KS for your auto insurance needs.